
minh da quay lai sau nhieu nam :)) that ra ko nhieu lam 2 nam thoi nma truyen minh viet that su... :D minh nam nay da 17 va luc trc minh chi co 14 :') luc nhin lai truyen cua minh minh thoang so tai vi minh ko ngo luc do minh co the vt truyen nvay dc :DD soc that su u la troi


minh da quay lai sau nhieu nam :)) that ra ko nhieu lam 2 nam thoi nma truyen minh viet that su... :D minh nam nay da 17 va luc trc minh chi co 14 :') luc nhin lai truyen cua minh minh thoang so tai vi minh ko ngo luc do minh co the vt truyen nvay dc :DD soc that su u la troi


I just wanted to tell you that, never ever stop doing something and never stop doing what you can, just because someone doesnt notice it or give you credit. You dont really need to plan out something, sometimes, you just need to loosen up, breath, trust yourself and let go, and then see what happens. Don"t stop doing what you want until your satisfied with it. In what ever you decide to do make sure it brings you happines. Dont quit doing what you want, at the end it will all be worth it. ❥


Thanks for follow Zin <3


@Park_Miin2k4 oops, zin tưởng người phương tây chứ ạ kkk, cảm ơn cậu nhiều nhé <3


@ zin_actjoonie  :)) thật ra mình cũng là người việt, ko phải phương tây xa xôi hẻo lánh đâu ha ^^


@ zin_actjoonie  aw no probs


So sad rn. I'm about to graduate from junior then go to highschool... Just thinking the thought of leaving your friends and the school that you've always been with for 4 years straight is more than enough to make my eyes water... I'm really sad now...there's still a week left for 'us' to stick together and have fun. After that, we go on our seperate ways. It's just so sad and you would just feel lonely and left-out in highschool again. I'm saying 'again' is because I was a humble and introvert person when I first go to juniors. It was hard for me to get to know friends. Some were familiar in primary but they don't really remember me that much. But come to think of it now, we've really been through a lot... There's a lot of memories that I'll never really forget about this school. Especially my friends, my adorable psycho gay ass class, my loveable teachers, the cute little cafeteria, too lol. There's so much stuff in my heart rn that I want to express out to everyone who're reading this. But it will just come to an end anyways. So, hope the one's that are still in the juniors, please appreciate every memories, store it, save it in the deepest place in your heart. Appreciate every teachers, their work, their passion, their sincerity in loving you, teaching you knowlegde that's even if it's not really related to real life that much. It's like their your second parents, the school's like your second home, except there's friends around, too. Ok, I'm making this too long but please, love what the school really is now, don't put the teachers work into waste, they won't love you unless you actually make their work into something useful, not taking advantage but in some meaning that's more positive. Love the school, the teachers, and your friends. It'll be worth it when it's time for goodbyes.