
For anybody reading this, I highly recommend checking out the account @FIXWP2K17 for their amazing movement for this app/website. I just recently have become a reader and have found myself shocked at how ignorant I've been to the flaws of Wattpad and the possibilities to fix them. This is an incredible movement and so far it seems like a highly respectable account with amazing points of views. 


For anybody reading this, I highly recommend checking out the account @FIXWP2K17 for their amazing movement for this app/website. I just recently have become a reader and have found myself shocked at how ignorant I've been to the flaws of Wattpad and the possibilities to fix them. This is an incredible movement and so far it seems like a highly respectable account with amazing points of views. 


I highly recommend deletion of your latest update (chapter 19) if you make the reader weak and a crybaby, you are going to get a lot of hate...since you don't have many followers no one can defend you, please do the right thing and delete it, it's better for the feminists the fan girls and to save you from hate... thank you


I'm honestly sorry, but I aim towards an audience who can relate to the reader I portray. Not everyone is the same and I hope you can realize that, so I can't meet everyone's expectations and needs because I don't know each individual reader personally. And emotions are not meant to, in my opinion, be blocked off and be labeled as weak because I find emotions beautiful. It's beautiful that we as humans can experience them so fluidly and vividly. I'm sorry if I offended you, and I hope you stop reading my book if you are offended so deeply because that is not my goal. I hope we both, as Wattpad users,  can set aside our differences and learn to accept each other for our differences in thought. I know your points and I respect them, so I suppose that we will simply have to agree to disagree or have unpleasant conflict, which I deplore of immensely. 


You do need to relise that there are so many people who can't cry nor feel emotions. In fact a large number of wattpad users have that type of depression, therefore they can get really depressed if not suicidal over something like that. She is actually a female, therefore feminists, like me. Might get really mad and frustrated over something like this, since it is in correct and a sign of weakness. 
            Look how I got over 300 followers, I just made the reader a emotionless badass and there I go...
            I'm pretty sure most readers incudeing me, would agree...


I just read through my chapter and found nothing wrong with it concerning making the reader a "crybaby". There are perfectly good reasons to cry, I'm not sure where you're getting at. Maybe Token's was a bit much, but it was mostly a joke because his name and Tolkien's sound similar. I'm sorry if I offended anybody but crying doesn't have to be a huge deal. I'm a feminist myself and I know that I can cry from levels of frustration or from simply the dog dying in the movie. Thank you for your concern but I'll keep my chapter up. I honestly value any critique I get, but I'm still proud of my chapter. And no, I don't think I'm making my character weak. Strong people can cry at simple things and just because I show one scenario of the reader crying doesn't make them a crybaby. But I am sorry if I offended you, I like my chapter but I'm sorry that you don't. 