Excuse me, But just so you know I am informing you that the book you are writing 'The Bad Boy Stole My Bra' is an original work of Lauren, @cherry_cola_x. I am not cursing you in any way, but make sure you get it removed. Wattpad does NOT approve any kind of copies, knowingly or accidentally. Make sure you get it removed or i'll have to inform the author besides my will. Thank you and have a nicd day.

@tannedbeauty_16 ummm technically its plot is nothing like @cherry_cola_x it just has the same title and i would really appreciate it if you would just leave it alone and besides i have never read this book by this so called @cherry_cola_x so technically it ain't copyright so back off my story aint nothing like hers or his whatever but honestly dont just dont and btw you aint no tanned beauty so back off Thank you Have a nice day