
Changing accounts, I'll post it on here after I've made it (if I continue books. I may not but if I do I'll post my accounts name here)


Hello, I've discovered I actually enjoy making Undetermined Paths way more then I enjoyed making 16 candles. For 16 candles I just felt like I needed to get it done and quick (I finished that book in like 3 days) but for this one I have no time limit. I'm still not in a good enough place to decide the future of the 16 candles series but I'm getting better, I know it's stupid to tell a whole bunch of strangers on wattpad about this and I'm sorry to anyone who reads these and is bothered. Oh right! On the 19th I won't be active at all except maybe at night because it's my best friends birthday. Happy Thanksgiving..


I'm officially putting hiatus on the no more candles book, it may discontinue as well but I don't know. I've drifted away from that concept and want want start something new. I have a new idea that I'd like to pursue now. I may even go on break because honestly I'm not in a good mental place lately and I think I have some kind of stress induced fatigue which you guessed it is making me sleep more and more in the day and less at night. But that's not your issue it's mine sorry for the rant. I'm thankful for all of my followers even if I don't have many or deserve them. This is Parsley Signing off for a while.


@Parsley0 Oh I am sorry sibbie. I hope you feel better soon.


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Aaaaaaa people are either really nice or really mean TvT like this one bitch at school was standing infront of my locker and I was waiting and she has the audacity to look at me and say "what are you looking at" LIKE IM LOOKING AT YOU DUMBASS GET OUT OF MY WAY ITS FRIDAY I WANNA GO HOME ALREADY 


@B3HY4_ @Parsley0 if I knew her name I would've told mrs.mixon (*insert number*grade counselor)


this message may be offensive
@Parsley0 FUCK HER  >: [


Hi! I have something to say, I have anxiety (and I am diagnosed by my therapist not self diagnosing) which causes me to feel insecure about what I write and then I dont post it, which is why most of my books get discontinued or deleted. So I've decided to make a short book and see opinions, if it's mostly not good opinions (not helpful criticism, overall hate) I will be going on a hiatus and maybe quit writing books. I hope everyone has a good night/day/afternoon 