
Hi there you lovely person! Thank you so much for reading my poetry book and loving on it! It means a lot ^^ *brings lots of chocolate bars* Here, have these as my appreciation gift *hands you a hundred virtual chocolate bars* *takes one back because it's food and how can I say no to food???* LOL Yes, I'm random.  Thanks again! See ya around ^^ :))


AWW I think the chocolates are making you talk all the sweet things now, I love it ^^ Thank you!
            Yes I need more chocolates to fill my brain........and to fill my black hole of a tummy.
            AGREEEEED Chocolates are the best (but with no obstacles in between i.e., those nuts and dry fruits)


And i mean what better quality food can you find other than chocolates, right? 


@WriterBells hahahahaha yikes the chocolates were so good i finished them too  but i'll get you more just because i needa feed your amazing brain for more amazing poetry hahaha :))) 


Be true to yourself that's what everyone says but no one means. No one wants you to be yourself. They want you to be the version they like. -Marie Lu


@florencethings But you still have to be you. Because it is us who we have to live with, not with expectations of others who wouldn't even care even if we become the versions they want us to be. Everyone wants a change in other person, but no one wants to change themselves. So the best option is to not listen to everyone but to only one - yourself. *leaves a candy and runs away*