
Dearest Jewish people.
          	I am a person from Poland. I have read about the petition you created.
          	I understand your anger. However, you're blaming the wrong nation.
          	You see, even though it happened in Poland, Polish people didn't cause the Holocaust, the Nazis did.
          	By that time our country was occupied by others and Auschwitz was not our fault.
          	I am not trying to convince you to hate Germans now. 
          	Please, try to realize that we, Polish people, are innocent. We did not cause the Holocaust.
          	We surely did not support it in any way.
          	We were murdered as well.
          	Please, do not blame our country for something we didn't do. Don't blame us for not reacting either. 
          	I don't know if someone is going to read this, but if a person who believes that Polish people are the ones to blame reads this and actually believes what I'm saying, I am glad I managed to show you the truth.
          	Polish people did not cause the Holocaust.
          	We were against it.
          	Please stop blaming us for this.
          	We were being killed like you were.
          	There may be differences between our culture and what not, but we're all people. 
          	There are many differences between us, but there is one thing that connects us - we all hated the Holocaust. 
          	But you're blaming us for nothing. 
          	It happened in Poland, yes. But did Polish people kill you? 
          	Who caused the Holocaust, dear Jewish people?
          	Was it Poland or was it Nazi Germany?
          	Please don't blame us. Don't blame Germany either.
          	The Holocaust is a tragedy itself.
          	Please don't make it worse. 
          	We couldn't do anything.
          	We were killed as well. 
          	Please, dearest Jewish people, stop blaming us.
          	That's all I have to say on the matter. I'm sorry for what happened. But my country is innocent. Please, re-think what you're doing right now.
          	((Originally posted on: @-_Yuzuki_- ))


Dearest Jewish people.
          I am a person from Poland. I have read about the petition you created.
          I understand your anger. However, you're blaming the wrong nation.
          You see, even though it happened in Poland, Polish people didn't cause the Holocaust, the Nazis did.
          By that time our country was occupied by others and Auschwitz was not our fault.
          I am not trying to convince you to hate Germans now. 
          Please, try to realize that we, Polish people, are innocent. We did not cause the Holocaust.
          We surely did not support it in any way.
          We were murdered as well.
          Please, do not blame our country for something we didn't do. Don't blame us for not reacting either. 
          I don't know if someone is going to read this, but if a person who believes that Polish people are the ones to blame reads this and actually believes what I'm saying, I am glad I managed to show you the truth.
          Polish people did not cause the Holocaust.
          We were against it.
          Please stop blaming us for this.
          We were being killed like you were.
          There may be differences between our culture and what not, but we're all people. 
          There are many differences between us, but there is one thing that connects us - we all hated the Holocaust. 
          But you're blaming us for nothing. 
          It happened in Poland, yes. But did Polish people kill you? 
          Who caused the Holocaust, dear Jewish people?
          Was it Poland or was it Nazi Germany?
          Please don't blame us. Don't blame Germany either.
          The Holocaust is a tragedy itself.
          Please don't make it worse. 
          We couldn't do anything.
          We were killed as well. 
          Please, dearest Jewish people, stop blaming us.
          That's all I have to say on the matter. I'm sorry for what happened. But my country is innocent. Please, re-think what you're doing right now.
          ((Originally posted on: @-_Yuzuki_- ))


Shi... Ekhm. Good evening, or something like this.


            Czyżby "Mon amour" brzmiało lepiej...~?


S-skończ ztym swoim 'cherie'! *mówi ostatnie słowo, z charakterystycznie podkreślonym, brytyjskim akcentem* Ekhm.. Tak potraktuj to, jak wyzwanie.


            Londyn, Cherie, czy to wyzwanie?


*głęboki wdech*
          Miło mi panią poznać, choć, jakby to ująć, znamy się od dosyć dawna, a że nie kwalifikuję ten znajomości jako przyjaźń spróbujmy zacząć od początku... nieco bardziej... pokojowo, jak to w zamierzeniu było. :)


            Nie będę niczego obiecywać, ale niech będzie...~ *podaje jej dłoń/8


@Paryskie_Zauroczenie  Duma Francuzów przejawiła się już wystarczająco...
            God damn it, po ostatnim przedstawieniu pod Verdun zaczynam się Ciebie bać. Chcę spać spokojnie w nocy wiedząc, że przez najbliższe sto lat nie wbijesz mi noża w plecy (co chętnie bym zrobiła Tobie, ale zwyczajnie mój honor mi tego zabrania). *wywraca oczami* Ręka na zgodę? *niepewnie wyciąga dłoń*


            Oui, ale to akurat nie moja wina. Francuzi są dumni, więc nie mogłam zignorować Twoich zaczepek, non?


Ty francuskim, ja włoskim miastem miłości 


            Bien, miło mi z tego powodu...~


Chyba calkiem okej, tak mysle 


            Całkiem dobrze, czasem popycham pary zakochanych do miłości...~ A jak u Ciebie, ma cherie?