
Good news! I'm having big ideas for stories to write! I may do a MLP fan fiction story and then a somewhat horror story... Not saying anything about them! You'll have to read in the future of course! Or.. just look at the description of it and all.


Good news! I'm having big ideas for stories to write! I may do a MLP fan fiction story and then a somewhat horror story... Not saying anything about them! You'll have to read in the future of course! Or.. just look at the description of it and all.


Okay sorry i'm starting fresh and clean! Hopefully my last but... you know? When you leave a video game or a website for a while then you just want to start over? I'm doing that on here, so I got rid of my only two stories... I actually had many stories i did work hard on here but... yeah. Never published and kept restarting. So please be my last me! Or I'll.... stab somewhat not to hurt my hand with a pencil.