
@MademoiselleAdeline oh I know I LOVE that song!!


I know I'm a random person that you don't know, but I was searching the Wattpad search and saw that you have 100 votes. I just had to say Congratulations! 


I just saw this comment! Thank you so much :) And you're not random. People aren't random.


I know I lied when I said that I would be writing lots during the summer - the time has just slipped beneath me and "Rebirth" seemed to be slowing to a stop. But not anymore! So, now, believe it or not I will be starting the second chapter of the second act of "Rebirth". It won't be up for probably a week or so because I procrastinated on my summer homework, but at least I'm working on it. Hope you all have fun in the last two weeks of summer break! <3 sunny


for any reason that one of you needs to contact me besides private messaging on wattpad, i set up an email that i will probably check once a week or so thanks!! ** (this can be used if you need to send me something i have to edit or me sending something i need you to edit... etc...)