

Omg could u do me a fav author chan!? Like a huge one!? Could u write me a ino and choji story . It could b a lemon but PLZZ I really cant find any stories about them on here. And I barely find any on the internet. So plz ur such a good writer. U b the best person ever. I'll b ur bestie


OMG I JUST FOUND YOUR PAGE AND U LIKE BOTH 5SAUSE AND NALU (fairy tail) I'm sorry I'm like super fangirling rn. but I love both of it books and I think ur an awesome writer so keep doing what you do!


Aw thank you so much. I'm glad you've read my nalu book. You seem really awesome and I really hope you'll like my new book I'm writing 5sos. Also I've been writing another nalu fanfiction and I'll post the first 4 parts tomorrow. Thank you again reader!!!!!!