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So here's almost everything my high school had done to me. Wrongly accused me of bullying special education teachers, didn't let me be resourceful and use the resources that I had to make a handmade hijab and wear it and have the hijab confiscated until the end of the school day while the other 2 Muslims were not discriminated against in any way, I got in trouble at school for drooling during lunch, I was taking notes on the paranormal while minding my business and not eating since I don't want to eat or do anything anymore due to my poor mental health and the experience caused me to end up shaking like shit as I am telling the teacher "Try telling a person who can't speak this!", refused multiple times for a napkin and there is a special education teacher that keeps handing napkins out to people eating and she doesn't care, talking back to a teacher even though that's how a damn conversation works, wearing a brown monkey tail since I am a furry even though a monkey isn't my fursona, told to speak even though I choose to not speak since I may have selective mutism, told to speak English by a redheaded special education teacher even though I said no in German, told to mind my own business and be kind, asked why I am mad, over heard one of theale students say "Why is she always so mad? Like, calm down.", be told to be nice or not be at school at all, I know this next one was in 7th grade yet I twisted my left ankle and no teacher told my parents, got in trouble yesterday for defending myself against the same teacher that I couldn't defend myself against on Tuesday, and threatened to expel me for defending myself against a narcissistic and manipulative teacher.