I feel like a bag of crap right now. I have friends, but I'm wondering how long until they finally see me as a bad, awful, disgusting, slob that I am and finally stop talking to me. They say I'm special.... but for how long
Chapter 5 is out and I'm still working on chapter 3
I'm sorry to everyone it's just. . .
A family problem came up and then school.
Hopefully I'll get it out at Halloween and even make a Halloween special
Just hopefully
I'm just gonna draw my own pictures for the next generation of FNAF story because
1. I might get a copyright strike
2. I don't want any artist to feel a liitle/lot upset that I didn't put their drawings into my story
3. So the pictures match up the chapters a little bit more
4. I want everybody to see my horrible drawings and facepalm
So yeah
Does that sound good 2 y'all?