
Just one final announcement... losing the friend I just lost is hitting me hard... I don’t think I’ll be writing much in my serious books... my poems maybe, my writing book definitely... but DO NOT take those books for granted... DO NOT mistaken them as a search for attention... I write, and I write, because it keeps me sane... i write to pay tribute to him... he’s gone now... I hope things are easier wherever he is now... Rest In Peace Jordan...


Just one final announcement... losing the friend I just lost is hitting me hard... I don’t think I’ll be writing much in my serious books... my poems maybe, my writing book definitely... but DO NOT take those books for granted... DO NOT mistaken them as a search for attention... I write, and I write, because it keeps me sane... i write to pay tribute to him... he’s gone now... I hope things are easier wherever he is now... Rest In Peace Jordan...


Hey there my pastel wolf pack!! I think that’s going to be what I call my readers when I post an announcement. So today I’m uploading the next chapter in Dutch’s Girl and it’s currently 5 pm my time, and at 11 pm, I’ll be uploading the newest chapter. I’ve decided that every Wednesday at 11 pm will be my uploading time so those that actually read Dutch’s Girl won’t have to wait so long.
          I hope you have a howling Wednesday and stay tuned for the next chapter in the story of Dutch and Chelsea! Sorry if you see a message similar to this,my previous wouldn’t post because my connection is terrible right now.
          Deuces! ✌️




Why is it, that no matter how hard I try, I’ll never be good enough? Why am I stuck in a continuous loop of trying and being told I’ll never be good enough? I was never good enough for him, he still reminds me today. The guy I am in love with tortures me without even realizing it, and I’m stuck trying to cope with the fact that I’ll never be his... 
          I want to be his.... I want to be good enough...


It’s always myself that I hurt, it’s always the stupidest video that makes me cry, why can’t I just let go of my feelings? Oh wait....
          It’s because I love him and it hurts me...


All the relations 