
Stays. I know I've been away for 2 weeks but I'll ask for another day extension. I'll post tomorrow, i promise. I'll finish this tonight and i want it to be perfect. I love this chapter so much and i want it to be the besttttttttttt. Chisendud my heart is pounding just thinking about it. And HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY BREAD!!!!!! ♥️


@fallensnowplake HIIIIIIII! Oh nooo. i'm a month late from replying to you. i didn't know you messaged me here. i should really navigate wattpad more. :'D you can dm me if you want to talk but i recently got busy. T_T but i'll surely read your message. huhu


Stays. I know I've been away for 2 weeks but I'll ask for another day extension. I'll post tomorrow, i promise. I'll finish this tonight and i want it to be perfect. I love this chapter so much and i want it to be the besttttttttttt. Chisendud my heart is pounding just thinking about it. And HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY BREAD!!!!!! ♥️


@fallensnowplake HIIIIIIII! Oh nooo. i'm a month late from replying to you. i didn't know you messaged me here. i should really navigate wattpad more. :'D you can dm me if you want to talk but i recently got busy. T_T but i'll surely read your message. huhu


@Yingieyeng You are sooooo sweet. T_T  I'm really enjoying reading your comments. *Virtual hug* I'm not yet sure if this will be my first and last story but I really am enjoying writing this. Soooooo maybe in the future? but thank you so much for appreciating! It really mean so much to me. <3