
Guys, Writers, Average villain enjoyers,
          	I want your villains to not reveal their evil plans.
          	And like, just killing without talking is fine too, but also consider letting them talk about their holiday/evening plans instead.
          	"My plans? Well, I plan to go to the Bahamas with my child once this is all over. Why do you ask? You want to come to?"
          	"Oh you want to know my plans? Well after killing you I'm going on a date actually. So if we could wrap this up, I still need to choose a dress to wear.
          	Would you say the red or the green looks better on me?"
          	"You mean after I destroyed the whole Universe? My therapist says I should meditate more, maybe I will do that."


Guys, Writers, Average villain enjoyers,
          I want your villains to not reveal their evil plans.
          And like, just killing without talking is fine too, but also consider letting them talk about their holiday/evening plans instead.
          "My plans? Well, I plan to go to the Bahamas with my child once this is all over. Why do you ask? You want to come to?"
          "Oh you want to know my plans? Well after killing you I'm going on a date actually. So if we could wrap this up, I still need to choose a dress to wear.
          Would you say the red or the green looks better on me?"
          "You mean after I destroyed the whole Universe? My therapist says I should meditate more, maybe I will do that."


Only 66 unread books? A dream-


@PatchyStory  It takes about three years of falling down the rabbit hole of Wattpad to hit the ground like I do


@Kitaranreader My heartfelt sympathy xD


Hey, danke für den kleinen Sternchenregen und dein Follow! ❤️
          Was Weihnachtsgeschichten alles so bewirken xD


@PatchyStory  danke sehr! Dir wünsche ich auch eine wundervolle Weihnachtszeit ❤️


@ Fortuna_Fox  und danke für dein Follow  ;)


@ Fortuna_Fox  sehr gerne :) Ich wünsche dir eine schöne Weihnachtszeit ✨️


          "Also, erstmal besteht das Ganze fast nur aus Dialog"
          ~ Romeo und Julia von William Shakespeare 
          "Dieses Buch ist schwer zu lesen, es sei denn, man beherrscht mehrere Sprachen und ist auf LSD"
          ~ Ulysses von James Joyce
          "Eigentlich sollte man sich ja nach der Lektüre eines Klassikers für tiefgründiger und intelligenter halten. Das wahr wohl nix"
          ~ Menschenkind von Toni Morrison 


Heli halo, ich bin wieder back mit einem neuen Kapitel in meinem Artbook!
          Ab jetzt werde ich wieder zwei mal die Woche ein Kapitel posten. Montag und Freitag.
          Just for ur information  :]
          Wir lesen uns,
          Viel liebe für alle die es gerade brauchen♡
          I just published " Der Chickenwing hat Flügel " of my story " Alte Mathegefter  ".