So...I did something
Here's a video for the story "Decadence" -
In that way, you can get more familiar with the characters' aesthetics and other things relevant to the book
So...I did something
Here's a video for the story "Decadence" -
In that way, you can get more familiar with the characters' aesthetics and other things relevant to the book
Thank you guys for 150k<3 I had some health problems these past months but I'm back now and I can't wait to read all of your comments and continue writing "Decadence". I'm thinking about a weekly schedule. So, what Day of the week (if there is someone who still wants to read it) you'd like me to post new chapters? Sometimes when I have time I'd post several chapters a week, but this is just to make sure I post at least once. Again, thank you and I love you all❤️
I published the prologue of my new story "Decadence" and you can find it on my profile. The first chapter is going to be posted as soon as I finish "Lethal Obsession" which should happen very soon (I hope within the week, but I'm not making any promises this time lol)
Love you all xx
Postavila sam prolog moje nove priče "Dekadencija" možete je naći na mom profilu. Prvo poglavlje ću izbaciti čim završim sa "Fatalnom Opsesijom" što bi trebalo da se desi vrlo brzo (nadam se u roku od nedelju dana, ali ovog puta ništa ne obećavam lol)
Volim vas sve xx
@FriendSharktrash14 Baš mi je drago da te je zainteresovla, hvala ti na komentaru to mi puno znači zaista a novo poglavlje izbacujem čim završim prethodnu priču, kroz par dana<3
@_kimtaejoon It was supposed to be last weekend but something happend, so the next update is probably going to be posted in few days (june 22nd) From then on, chapters are going to be posted daily or every two days until the end, since I wouldn't have to study anymore
I've literally just realized that there are so many events I want to put in the 40th chapter and I don't want to split it in two so you guys are getting one long-ass last chapter (and epilogue afterward). I hate myself sometimes
P.S. shit is about to go down, so be prepared (insert evil laugh)
The next chapter (Lethal Obsession//Fatalna opsesija) will be published by Monday, maybe tomorrow morning. We're almost at the end, there'll be approximately 40 chapters (+ prologue and epilogue) altogether. Thank you all for your kind words and for being with me on this journey I plan to finish the book before June. Love you all xx