Hey everyone! Sorry for the inactivity, junk happened. Not going to elaborate, cause this is important, I guess. As you all know, most of my stories are short chaptered, cheesy, and ultimately junk. They were written in a time when didn't REALLY understand what went into writing a good story. Many, many people helped me, Corrupted_World being a major help and others in my personal life. Anyways, so me and a few others (including. Corrupted_World, you guys should seriously check them out, they're very talented writers) were talking about revamping Void, as in rewriting it to however far we got, and hopefully further. I'm more than willing to rewrite other books, but you have to speak out! I can't read minds! If this DOES happen, I don't know how long this will take or how active I'll be. Because of this, the plan is to have more than two people to look over, hopefully 4-5. If you're willing to help, please tell me! Keep flying peeps!