
400 Followers! Why How I Don't Know


HEY GUYS! I know that my hiatus has been ridiculous but it's my senior year of college and things have been ridiculously busy. Anyway, WE REACHED 6,000!!!! I'm so excited! Thanks to all of you who voted! 
          P.S. The truth is I have also been slightly unmotivated to finish this story. Forgive my selfish heart.


Hey guys! So I know I've been on a serious hiatus but college life has been no joke. Just want to quickly thank all those new followers and readers actually taking the time to read the story (for those of you who didn't just nod and wave). I'll be updating some time this month as soon as I finish this ginormous essay.  Love you all and God Bless.
          P.S. *reads first few chapters, cringes*