Hello... Before I get started, I just want to give a quick shout out to the people hosting the 2021 TR Awards. You're doing a somewhat fuckin' amazing job, I must say. Please do consider entering, as it will boost their popularity. Thanks.
Anyways, I've got something important to tell you all. Recently, I came out as gay and originally, I came out on Discord. The server in question, in which I came out in, was a server called Grand Prix Racing Online or GPRO Discord. I still use GPRO's original website, but I can't use their Discord, so let's dive in.
When I came out as gay in June / July time (it was one of those months - I think it's the latter) originally, everyone was fine with it, they thought of it as nothing major etc. However, the problems started at around 00.11 CET, when someone ( @RAntoons PorkPie#8681 ) started a rumour that will, and never will stop hurting me - he accused me of faking it all & worse, he got others to agree with him. Now, I know GPRO's Discord link, so here it is.
If you find anyone under the name of Frosty#4403 , send him a pm please - I'm sending out a message to whoever has Discord, press this link & please, get me the justice I cannot seem to get from this server.