
Hey, I'm a fan of you and everything. But just because you're famous doesn't mean you should ignore all your fans and follows. All they want is to reach out to you. You're not any better than the rest of us on this cite. So please, follow some who've followed you. (not me, cuz you probably don't take a liking to me now.


Hi! Sorry I've been so quiet - still new to Wattpad. Hope you enjoy reading Lamp Black.


@risemboolranger I'm not the kind of girl who'd get anything published, I'm just a stupid piece of crap. Thanks for the advice, and i am sorry for being rude. Bye--


@peaches53 You can take whatever attitude you want, but I'm honestly just giving you a helpful tip. You're welcome by the way. Do you know what's hugely important as a writer? Spelling. If you want to be taken seriously by writers on this site, especially published ones, then don't let that be the first barrier they come to. It would put most writers off reading your works if they notice errors just in their comments. Sure, everyone makes typos - rather than actual spelling mistakes. If that's what the case is then check through comments before sending them. Just like I hope you'd do with stories that you post. At least then you can avoid turning a lot of people away before they've even read your real stuff.