
Hey Leel! It's been so long and I missed you and your incredible writing. I thought it was about time that I reached out and I did on Discord but you seem to be inactive on there. I fondly remember our conversations back when Wattpad had DMs.
          On another note, would you be willing to help me with my academic research survey? I need diverse opinions on the Representation of the Indian Queer community on Wattpad and I'm sure your voice will add incredible value to my research. Or if you know anyone who might be interested in helping, that would be great as well. 
          It'll only take 5-7 minutes to complete the survey. Your responses are completely confidential and your consent is very important.


Just won a Pride Month 2023 contest for the German Young Adult profile and was asking myself if someone is interested in me translating that story into English?☀️
          (Probably gonna do it anyways)


@ PaulsonsRatched yes honey! 
            would love to read this in a language I fully understand ❤️


Well done. Gut gemacht  


Das Outing.
          Ein Thema welches so ziemlich jedem in der LGBTQ+ Community bekannt ist.
          Vor kurzem habe ich meine Kurzgeschichte für den diesjährigen LGBTQ Contest veröffentlicht, welche an meine eigene Outing Erfahrung angelehnt ist. 
          Sie handelt mehr von den Gefühlen der Protagonistin als der Reaktion des Anderen, denn sind wir mal ehrlich, uns fällt es auch nicht immer leicht mit unseren Emotionen umzugehen.
          Lest gerne mal rein und falls ihr wollt teilt auch gerne eure eigenen Erfahrungen.☀️


So saddened about Target and other shops to remove LGBTQ+ themed Merch right before pride month.
          Reminder for all my fellows, companies and Ally’s out there: 
          They’re not more valid than us but, unfortunately, sometimes louder.
          We exist in this world just like everyone else and it does not make us disappear by denying it!