Hey dude I just read your story Paw patrol vengeance and I love it but Is it over or it there more because I’m confused why it said completed. I thought there you said there will be more. But that Does not matter. Anyways Keep going and stay safe.

Oh.. that’s fine do what you must in life. If you do leave we are going to miss you but hey we still have some good books by you.

@duckmakeslovetome haha sorry I didn't reply I didn't get the notifications. Yeah I'm still here but I didn't decide to actually finish the book. I think I just took whatever chapters I felt were good enough and left them and then unpublished the rest. I know it sounds crazy but I think that my writing days are about over. And I hate that I said that I would finish it because truthfully I probably won't. :( But I hope that doesn't stop you from enjoying what's left of it anyway!! I am open to feedback if you would like me stop it a bit later or earlier, as I have unpublished a few chapters that you probably already read and it would might be nice to get some unbiased perspective. What otherwise I think I'm about done with this phase of my life. It's mainly my music production, working, my girlfriend I plan to marry, and my car that are my main concerns now lol.