Today I give you tips to write good gore
Step one: look at the roadkill if you don’t have any look it up or something (I’ve been in NJ so many deer died by cars) or look at the meat in your fridge (sorry vegans)
Step two: look at blood flow or place where the body got impacted to analyze how blood moves. I also draw gore for myself as well as looking at other artists gore
Step three: watch slasher films, films with guns, etc. that have practical effects because those will be the most realistic ones and now you have more visuals to work with.
Step four: Look up parts of the body cause I’m betting someone doesn’t know head wounds bleed more and longer then other wounds.
I watched as *censor for future story plot* got shot. I was there not wanting to ever see this I never knew they where after us I didn’t even know of them. Her blood had splattered out in the direction the bullet came from before starting to pool out. Her cloths start getting stained in it fast she was breathing heavily her eyes going bloodshot. Her hand was pressed on the wound but it didn’t work only making her hand stained scarlet. Scarlet red came from her lips from the impact. Her breathing was raspy as she reached for us we wanted her back only for another shot to follow straight in the head. She died in seconds, blood came more slowly but plentiful out of her head pooling below her.