@SwiftieRodrigo Do one thing dear go inside the story from my profile and you’ll be able to read it
Actually the notification issue is resolved and many got the notification
Sometimes you won’t get the notification if you have not added the story in reading list
Hi all there is a still going on notification
I published a chapter and some says they got the notification and some says they didn't
I have report this already to Wattpad and also raised a ticket but nothing is working out and the issue is still the same
I will unpublish the new chapter and take a break for few days because this is never ending problem!!!
@sruthiiyer09 hey love my Wattpad is facing a issue where some are getting my notification and some are not and now from few minutes even my announcement is not getting to anyone because i made am announcement 3-4 times but even that no one got
So as of now I have unpublished the chapter
I'll publish it may be tomorrow