
bro i've been so inactive on wattpad. All my memories from this site are coming back


How is high school? Is it like the movies? How hard is it? I’m in the IB program and it’s basically honors in the school I’m going to. It’s 20 minutes on the train and then a 20 minute walk to get there. It’s insanely close to the si ferry and there’s tons of deli’s in the area. It’s very diverse so that’s  really good. I don’t know anyone which is good and bad. I don’t have any friends there’s but at the same time I don’t have to deal with the spoiled kids from my old school. And I can finally be myself and stuff and reinvent myself because I don’t know anyone there. And the school I’d known for its law and nursing programs and I’m going in law. I’m just excited for high school. Hopefully the Curia is over by then. 


Dear old me,  high school is nothing like you thought it to be. The virus is getting worse and worse and we have to go fully remote. Luckly we made friends before we had to go back to fully remote and you don't hate school. Your not scared to be yourself and you've grown so much. I'm really proud of you. You left middle school behind you and it's all in the past. You have new things to worry about but it's not what you would ever think off. Your on discord a LOT now and it's led to you missing 40+ assignments multiple times. I'm sorry for what you had to deal with but it was all truly for the best. You wouldn't be the person I am today without the slight trauma of middle school. I will always be there and I will always be looking back on you and all that you've done to get me where I am today. - Love Bella


Well there’s over 25,000 cases and at this point I really don’t think my school or any nyc schools are opening before May. By the time it’s April 20th there’s gonna be over 100,000 cases in the state. Online school is boring but at least I can listen to music and eat while doing work. Also i found that Suddenly Seymour can apply to regents. I’m in a honors class so I take 3 regents (Living environmen, Algebra, and Us  government) even tho iI’m not in hs yet. But the thing is that if schools close in June i cant take them until next year. I don’t need them to graduate 8th grade so i might have to tale them next year in 9th grade if the virus continues. Ahh


So there’s 10,000 cases in ny. I’m kinda scared now. I’m in a 8th graded in nyc and chances are that school’s gonna be closed for the rest of the school year. I’m not gonna have a graduation or prom or 8th grade trip. It could be worse tho. I could be a senior in nyc. At level I’m not missing senior prom. Anyways so I just found discovered that waving through a window could apply to the virus.


@PeGgyThePOet I related to everything you just said, Manhattan is practically empty which never happens, I haven't heard much about cases in the Bronx tho, where I live, 


@Hamiltrahcat I’m in Staten Island people didn’t take it seriously until schools closed. My parents prepared early and I didn’t go to school the last day it was open cause it was a half day. Good thing I didn’t go cause now there’s over 300 cases and it’s a bunch of the schools including mine and a lot of the ones near it. The last time my parents when food shopping people were fighting over pasta so they had to go to jersey and it was even worse. 


@PeGgyThePOet  It's worse because Brooklyn is the borough with the most cases.
            I live in Brooklyn.


Well there’s over 500 cases in Ny and I never got to see Aladdin because broadway shut down 29 hours before I got to see it.   :(   I  got a refund but the only reason I bought the tickets the day I did is because they were a really good price for really good seats. Now the same seats I got for $77 dollars are $99 dollars on + a $30 dollar fee per ticket. I got the tickets from Ticketmaster and there was only a $2 fee. The only tickets for Aladdin that are almost the same seats and the same price are in May. I would have to go to the box office and get the tickets for $77. That wouldn’t be a problem if I knew when the virus would die down. At least my parents are keeping me home from school because they don’t want my grandma to get it if I got the virus. 


Well there’s over 300 cases of corona in ny and broadway shows have been cancelled so now I can’t see Aladdin tomorrow:( and theres been about 3 cases in my  borough (I think) I know there’s at least 2. Schools aren’t closed yet but they might be


@Hamiltrashcat lucky my school just sent everyone an email saying if your child stays home from March 12- April 3 and parents write an email then it’s an excused absence.


@PeGgyThePOet  My school just evacuated us out of school, THREE WEEK BREAK