
Guess what guys?!?! Today I met the amazing... Wesley King! The famous author! Please check out his books if you don't know him, search him up on google! He was very inspirational for a number of people and Wesley King, you made my day!


Guess what guys?!?! Today I met the amazing... Wesley King! The famous author! Please check out his books if you don't know him, search him up on google! He was very inspirational for a number of people and Wesley King, you made my day!


My wonderful grandma is moving away today... She was like the best person I've met, taking care of me the moment I was born and raising me with so much love and affection. I was so glad I had met someone like her and spent my life with her. She had a fight with my mum and now she is off to another home. I will miss you grandma and I wish you all the luck in the world in your near future. Bless you.


New favourite quote ❤❤❤
          "I believe everything happens for a reason. People change so you can learn how to let go. Things go wrong so you appreciate them when they go right. You believe lies so you eventually know to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes bad things fall apart so good things can fall together."
                          - Unknown