My Clary x Jace Fanfics will be up and available for reading until March when they will undergo major editing, please enjoy in the meantime. Much love ❤️
My Clary x Jace Fanfics will be up and available for reading until March when they will undergo major editing, please enjoy in the meantime. Much love ❤️
Please! Amazing followers, DO NOT FORGET to VOTE AS YOU READ! Even if you’ve already read a chapter, go back and vote if you forgot, if you have the time of course. Writers love that support! Thank you and good day.
Oh, you can also send me recommendations through my lame Instagram, PeaceInWords, where I just update you guys on my newest works + etc, and update you on what I'm reading + show funny comments and quotes from books I'm reading.
I don't update and notify you guys much so but I think this is a worthy message. Send in book recommendations to my private messages guys! I need some new additions to my reading lists and library.
Thank you to everyone who has shown love to my first fanfic book. Which will undergo major editing soon. It was my first. Many mistakes. But thank you all so much for the views, votes, and hilarious comments.