
Hello everyone! My apologies for being inactive  once again! It's just that, I'm currently in my final semester of my studies, so it's pretty hectic :') And thank you for concerning abt me and DMed me, I'm doing great, dont worry and I hope you guys are too! Remember to take care of yourself! ❤ I hope you guys have a great day today and onward (♡˙︶˙♡)
          	Well, about the MPBFH, I'll try to finish the update ASAP ▄︻̷̿┻̿═━一 it's hard to do the editing while living with my friends in dorm hahaa and they kind of suspect me for being a fanfic writer already sheeshh (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


@FathasZie Terima kasih awak ❤ 


@PeaceXXseeker good luck for your final smester and take care of yourself too.. dont forget to take a meal while focus on your study.. semangat sis


Hello everyone! My apologies for being inactive  once again! It's just that, I'm currently in my final semester of my studies, so it's pretty hectic :') And thank you for concerning abt me and DMed me, I'm doing great, dont worry and I hope you guys are too! Remember to take care of yourself! ❤ I hope you guys have a great day today and onward (♡˙︶˙♡)
          Well, about the MPBFH, I'll try to finish the update ASAP ▄︻̷̿┻̿═━一 it's hard to do the editing while living with my friends in dorm hahaa and they kind of suspect me for being a fanfic writer already sheeshh (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


@FathasZie Terima kasih awak ❤ 


@PeaceXXseeker good luck for your final smester and take care of yourself too.. dont forget to take a meal while focus on your study.. semangat sis


2021 were the toughest year for me. There were lots of things had happened and hurt me badly, emotionally. I've always thought I would not be one of those people who would be caught up with emotional struggles, considering the happy surroundings I have but I started to be so when one of my best friends died of Covid-19. She was my bestest friend since we were like 4 until her last breathe in late 2021. Her departure really impacted my life dearly. I cannot accept the fact that she left me until in mid 2022 when I started to realise that no matter what I do, she will never come back and she will not like it to see me messing up with my life.  With her being gone, I started to have anxiety until some point I have to take medication. Every day and night, I often had trouble breathing, suffocated with my own thoughts and everything seemed not right to me. I deleted most of my socmed and leaving wattpad as well. 
          Here's a side story why I unpublished my books: I cannot accept some newer comments before, criticising me. I tried to keep myself busy by writing some new chapters of HSD and spending my time here in wattpad, my comfort place but that thing happened. I was disappointed. With my unstable emotion, I got mad and deleted them but they lingered in my head. I felt like i was not worth it and underappreciated and yeah, those books being unpublished, I'm sorry for this. And, I dont blame the commentors though, it happened at the wrong time only in which I dont really have the strength to accept and reflect on it. And thanks to the commentors too, genuinely, I've inspired to do my best in editing my books even when it's somewhat time-consuming. Again, I'm sorry to have you guys waiting :')
          If ever you guys having trouble to deal with your mental health, don't hesitate to reach out to people, especially your family. They will be a big help other than yourself. And even now, I'm still healing by doing things that I love which is to write & connecting myself with u guys!


@epsilonsana Yeah, it was, but life still has so much to offer me and im glad I still have the strength to moving forward ❤ Thank you for the kind words, they really lifted up my spirit! We got this! Ily >•<


@CoolLikeIcy I really want to give you the warmest hug rn :'( Sorry for your loss.. We got this! Stay happy and healthy too! Take care ❤


@PeaceXXseeker That is an extremely difficult journey to go through and you did well by taking care if your physical and mental health first, so I want to say I admire you for that. It’s not easy, but thank you for coming back to your creative outlet. Just wanted to say that I support you and enjoy your writing, even the parts you think aren’t perfect!! Please take things day by day slowly and be healthy!! Let’s go through life together... we got this! 


It took me a while to re-publish MPBFH and I apologise for the inconvenient. Also, there were lots of changes (more like improving the grammars and reducing cringey scenes hahaha) and I'm still editing them (other chapters on the go), so I will not publish this story in one go, but in stages. Lots of love from me and I will try to reply to all the DMs soon! So so sorry yaa <3


@DATTEKAMI Happy to know that u fancy it, buddy ❤


@PeaceXXseeker Finally!! one of my favorite satzu books are back


Happy New Year! ❤


@PeaceXXseeker  happy new year ...amissyou hihihi comeback please 


@PeaceXXseeker I'm doing good, I hope you're doing good too... :)


@PeaceXXseeker and happy new year 