
Currently looking for things to change my account to. 
          	If you didn't see, I recently got into Eddsworld and less and less into Hetalia. I still enjoy Hetalia, though I'd rather not rp much of it in new cases, so in order to not confuse people that may want to rp Hetalia with me, I'm only going to be rping with the ones I've previously started an rp with. Unless, of course, I'm not feeling it anymore. In that case, I apologize for the inconvenience, especially since this recently happened to me and I was devastated. I'm sorry for my sudden.. Change in.. "Fandoms?" Although, I wouldn't really say I'm in a fandom as of now. I just enjoy Eddsworld.
          	But, yknow what, I guess I could sneak a few little Hetalia rps in somewhere. I just won't be as good, since my knowledge has gotten worse. I never really was great at many characters, but I did enjoy being Arthur.
          	If you see me as a cringeworthy pile of childish garbage, then you've gotten my whole personality and person down pretty well. Although I wouldn't really describe myself as such, but I'm not really mature either.
          	So, yeah. I dunno what I'll be doing from now on really.


Currently looking for things to change my account to. 
          If you didn't see, I recently got into Eddsworld and less and less into Hetalia. I still enjoy Hetalia, though I'd rather not rp much of it in new cases, so in order to not confuse people that may want to rp Hetalia with me, I'm only going to be rping with the ones I've previously started an rp with. Unless, of course, I'm not feeling it anymore. In that case, I apologize for the inconvenience, especially since this recently happened to me and I was devastated. I'm sorry for my sudden.. Change in.. "Fandoms?" Although, I wouldn't really say I'm in a fandom as of now. I just enjoy Eddsworld.
          But, yknow what, I guess I could sneak a few little Hetalia rps in somewhere. I just won't be as good, since my knowledge has gotten worse. I never really was great at many characters, but I did enjoy being Arthur.
          If you see me as a cringeworthy pile of childish garbage, then you've gotten my whole personality and person down pretty well. Although I wouldn't really describe myself as such, but I'm not really mature either.
          So, yeah. I dunno what I'll be doing from now on really.


Probably gonna change my account theme around since I'm not as much into Hetalia as I used to be. So, yeah, sorry about that. Also I think I might have to delete wattpad for a bit since I'm going to my Nana's and she might try and steal my phone. 


{{Heyo! You changed your profile, no wonder I couldn't find you. 
          It's been.. months? Since we've talked. 
          How ya doin'?


@Norway___ ah sounds like it 


My family is at a bar and I'm home alone so yeah 
            It's fun. 


@Norway___ well thats good. Im out with my cousin, nana, and sis rn. Its fun.


I feel so shitty. Everything is going wrong. I'm sick. Moving. Leaving my friends. My crush now has a gf. And one of my close friends just left me for no reason. She ignored me for a month because she said I was boring, then she left me a bit ago because I did nothing but she doesn't want to talk to people online anymore.
          I'm so lonely. I want someone to love so they can cheer me up but it's never gonna happen.
          The first guy I was with was desperate and didn't know what to do so he treated me like trash.
          The second was cheating on his gf with me.
          And the last admitted he never loved me. He wasted a year of my life and I felt trapped and unloved because we never talked and when we did all he would say is 'love you' and nothing else. He overused it and I knew he didn't mean it. I really wanna give up on everything right now.


@PeachBuns_ sMOL CHILD NO