The world is going through extreme tough situations. No one is having it easy for each other.
People are dying and if not that, they are struggling in every part of the world. War, strife, disease, financial problems and the list goes on.
You can make someones day by just being kind to them. A smile or a small polite hi would suffice. Who knows if the person is internally depressed or trying to end their own life. Suicide is a pretty serious problem and depression us extremely common world wide.
As people who generally are creative and tend to try and see things on the positive side, I urge my fellow friends to help one another. There might be someone in your own friends circle who might be going through a horrible time.
Write them a small quote of encouragement on how strong they are or how brave they are for trying to be strong.
I am going to create a book solely for such words of encouragement and I kindly request that people help me. Maybe it might just be a few words for you. But to someone it may mean the world.
I have a friend who finds no worth in himself and I also want to know how to teach him to love himself and I want to help him as I care for him so much. He is a brother in a way!
Please help me!!!!!!