
Hey people! For those of you Harry Potter fans, I have another account where I will be publishing some HP fanfics shortly! My new account is @EliB03 please check it out! 


Heyyyyyyy. So I am a person who cont write more than one book at a time, (I just learned that), so unfortunately I'm gonna put all of my Disney fanfics in my drafts. I will continue writing them there and will publish them once they are completed. After that, as I have said there will be a book where they are all connected in the future, I will publish that future book normally. So hopefully it doesn't take me years to write those books, but it probably will. I'm sorry to anyone who actually liked them and hopefully I can actually finish them. That's all for now! Byeeeeeeee 


He indeed did a looooong time ago before she realized she was a lesbian


Hello people! I just wanted to make my four new books known to all of you and I hope that they interest you. 
          These books are all connected (as you shall see in the future) and are all Disney fanfictions. 
          The first one is called "Don't Take Me to Neverland" and it is basically a twist on the original movie "Peter Pan." 
          The second is called "Mad Endings" and again, it is another spinoff of another Disney film.  It is based off of the movie "Alice in Wonderland" but for this one I have decided not to base it off of the original, and to base it off of the one with actual people in it (I don't know how else to describe those movies). 
          The third is a book that I call "The Bear Army" which is a twist of the Disney movie "Brave". 
          And finally, my last book is a spinoff of Frozen. And I like to call it "The Kingdom of Ice". 
          You shall see why I gave it these names only if you read it so please do! 
          So far I only have prologues for them except for "Don't Take Me to Neverland". For that one I also have a cast page and one chapter!!!!! Yay! 
          So please read and tell ur friends! Thx!