
Hi my pretties! So... it's been a tough couple of months for the world in general! The Coronavirus epidemic is striking fear into the lives of all because of how contagious and seemingly unstoppable it is. A few days, I found out that my local stores had run out of toilet paper and paper towels. YIKES!! People are stocking up like crazy and my school, which was on Spring Break has sent out an extension of our holiday. So yeah... pretty crazy.
          	I know that many people are in self quarantine right now, or have been advised by their government to remind indoors. You are probably really scared, confused and anxious about what is to come next. I am not a doctor, but I do want to say that I believe in each and every one of you!
          	It is going to be okay. Things are tough now with this epidemic but humans have pulled through horrible things for thousands of years and made it out stronger for all that.
          	So, if you are hunkered down somewhere just waiting and hoping for the storm to pass over, you are not alone. We are all in this together. As much as you can, get accurate information. Practice hygiene to the BEST of your ability, wash your hands frequently, cough/sneeze into your sleeves, not your hands and if you feel you are getting symptoms, see if there is any way to get yourself screened to confirm. 
          	Right now COVID-19 is dangerous because of how fast it spreads, so do your best to limit how you or any of your loved ones could spread it, by following credible health advice.
          	If you are in quarantine or in a place seriously affected by it, have courage. Hygiene is critical. I want you to know that many excellent health scientists, governments are working around the clock to ensure you are safe. People are praying too, as a Christian I can tell you that millions of brethren are praying all around the world. Individuals of other religions are also praying for the health of the world so let us have faith. It is well, my lovelies. I love you all. We will get through this!


Hi my pretties! So... it's been a tough couple of months for the world in general! The Coronavirus epidemic is striking fear into the lives of all because of how contagious and seemingly unstoppable it is. A few days, I found out that my local stores had run out of toilet paper and paper towels. YIKES!! People are stocking up like crazy and my school, which was on Spring Break has sent out an extension of our holiday. So yeah... pretty crazy.
          I know that many people are in self quarantine right now, or have been advised by their government to remind indoors. You are probably really scared, confused and anxious about what is to come next. I am not a doctor, but I do want to say that I believe in each and every one of you!
          It is going to be okay. Things are tough now with this epidemic but humans have pulled through horrible things for thousands of years and made it out stronger for all that.
          So, if you are hunkered down somewhere just waiting and hoping for the storm to pass over, you are not alone. We are all in this together. As much as you can, get accurate information. Practice hygiene to the BEST of your ability, wash your hands frequently, cough/sneeze into your sleeves, not your hands and if you feel you are getting symptoms, see if there is any way to get yourself screened to confirm. 
          Right now COVID-19 is dangerous because of how fast it spreads, so do your best to limit how you or any of your loved ones could spread it, by following credible health advice.
          If you are in quarantine or in a place seriously affected by it, have courage. Hygiene is critical. I want you to know that many excellent health scientists, governments are working around the clock to ensure you are safe. People are praying too, as a Christian I can tell you that millions of brethren are praying all around the world. Individuals of other religions are also praying for the health of the world so let us have faith. It is well, my lovelies. I love you all. We will get through this!


Happy Valentine!!!
          Get out your chocolate
          And flowers
          Or just binge Netflix
          Or Do Homework (or visit Wattpad while supposed to do homework :D )
           In the meantime, have you read, The Wandering God by greydaygirl @greydaygirl or Isle of Sanctum: The Aya Thrasher Chronicles by Ajg037 @Ajg037? 
          No? *le gasp!*
          For real, they are amazing people and their books are amazing!!
          I posted a little chapter/poem/epistle? on Era of Violet, so check that out as well.
          Have a lovely day, my pretties!


thanks so much for the shout out.  I totally forgot about Valentine’s Day Lol.
            Time to get my chocolate on!


So, I reached a kind of slump over the description of a place in my story draft that was polluted and supposedly abandoned. So to inspire myself, I took to the web and searched up pictures of air and water pollution...
          I got more than I bargained for... it was absolutely horrifying.  I have quite a few choice words for that scene now.
          Anyhow, real talk. I hope we are all doing our best in our little corners of the world to keep the environment clean. Throw things in trash and recycle appropriately, not on the streets. Please...Please stop dumping your stuff into the water. I come from a place where there is a lagoon around us and the horrors of pollution is real. 
          Don't think the water is taking it away and you will never face it again. One day, you will cut open a fish and see it filled with the deadly plastic and materials you tried to dispose of. Then what? You dump it on the ground, or throw it out of sight again?
          This is a serious issue. Don't think because you are one person, you can't do anything. Awareness starts when one person decides to speak out and change for the better. Speak out, clean up and stay blessed this weekend. Love you all,


True stuff! People managed to survive before plastic. We really don’t need it in our lives.


Thanks for adding me to your reading list, hope you enjoy! 


You two are both beautiful people @fireduels @pearlakin. Have a great day!!


@fireduels Thank you, I will. Salute to your creativity!