Open letter to my school:
I have always disliked you, for multiple reasons. But you have gone so far past the line you are now on another continent. If I do not want to wear a bra, that’s my choice. You do not get to decide what parts of my body are sexual or not, writing an entire email to my mother complaining about about you can see my nipples (which by the way everyone has) is ridiculous! So guess what, either I continue as I have been doing for multiple years now or I’m not doing your pe classes, which by the way, I have always hated. I have autonomy over my body and what I think is appropriate for me to wear, specializing a middle schoolers breasts and then not saying anything to any of the guys in the class is not on ridiculous and objectifying, it’s discriminatory against body types. So screw you all for deciding on your expensive coffee high that you dislike my body but how about you go back to power tripping over wether or not a student can wear a non-school jacket, because at least then you weren’t specializing your students.