
Spoilers for AOT since I have another theory/opinion this might retcon the last one but I don’t think that matters much. 
          	Eren’s “confession” to Armin was him admitting he was in love with the idea that Mikasa was in love with him and honestly when does Eren say he loves her he just whines about her possibly moving on. In my opinion, they’re horrible for each other if they ever got together it probably been even more toxic than it already was. I know next is a very unpopular opinion and ship but I think Eren and Historia would’ve been better since in the manga in particular their relationship really has a whole lot of build up and no execution and it really felt like they were supposed to be together in the beginning and it would’ve been way better than Historia being pregnant by a nameless farmer and would explain why Eren was mad at Zeke. Also Isayama said that Mikasa story ending just being her grieving Eren her whole is pitiful or something along the lines of that. However, this is just my opinion.


Spoilers for AOT since I have another theory/opinion this might retcon the last one but I don’t think that matters much. 
          Eren’s “confession” to Armin was him admitting he was in love with the idea that Mikasa was in love with him and honestly when does Eren say he loves her he just whines about her possibly moving on. In my opinion, they’re horrible for each other if they ever got together it probably been even more toxic than it already was. I know next is a very unpopular opinion and ship but I think Eren and Historia would’ve been better since in the manga in particular their relationship really has a whole lot of build up and no execution and it really felt like they were supposed to be together in the beginning and it would’ve been way better than Historia being pregnant by a nameless farmer and would explain why Eren was mad at Zeke. Also Isayama said that Mikasa story ending just being her grieving Eren her whole is pitiful or something along the lines of that. However, this is just my opinion.


Hear me out fellow Aot fans this is another hot take and also spoilers if you haven’t finished.
          Eren wasn’t lying during the table scene when he said he hated Mikasa, it’s more obvious in the first two seasons that Eren is annoyed by her because in his eyes she does whatever he wants or needs and nothing for herself. He sees her as a slave, and remember Eren says he hates anyone and anything that isn’t free.While I’ve been throwing the word hate around I’ll say it was both hatred and resentment he felt towards her, but this is all my opinion.