
Hey followers! I have more content put up in my short story, 'Refugee's Road', but I really need feedback.  I have a vague idea of where I want to story to head, but I am always open to suggestions.  Also, any suggestions for a new title? I'm not really fond of this one...
          	Anyhow, give it a read, give me some feedback, I would greatly appreciate it! 
          	Thanks to all you beautiful people!


Hi! So I love The Mermaids Song. I know many people have been bugging you to update it, and I know that you probably have other things going on but Please Please Please Please please try to find time to update it more often! It is soooo good and has me on the edge of my seat just waiting to see what happens to Adam and Lyss. Sorry to bother you about it, but thank you for posting such an amazing and wonderful story to get all of our minds whirring with excitement!


@5SecondsOfCalmDown , I totally agree with 5SecondOfCalmDown!!! I love it !!!!! Please continue to update The Mermaids Song♩