
A few days ago I was tested for depression and it turns out I have Severe Depression :,)


Updates about me:
          I am literally the only "virgin" in love in my school. I have only been in one relationship and that lasted three days so I do not count anything that doesn't last two months.
          All of my friends have dates to a Spring Dance which is in a few months and I'm going to be home... Crying and eating.
          I'm going to therapy because the counselor believes I'm going to shoot myself. (I mean.... It kind of true)
          My sister just broke up with her boyfriend and started dating a guy I hate.
          I'm pretty sure my mom is ready to kill herself.
          And I might have more disorders than I already have! My therapist is suggesting I go to a hospital and get diagnosed. I already have PTSD and Social Anxiety!


I'm trying to convince my mom to let me dye my hair purple ;_;


@PeculiarShipper  Loving Fire by AceAnemone?


@PeculiarShipper  I'll look for you now!!


this message may be offensive
So I've been watching Sanders Sides lately and I've got some stuff.
          - Imagine Roman was lying about his name to everybody and his name is Romulus.
          - Roman is fucking insecure.
          - There is possibly another side called Paranoia?
          - Cause being paranoid as a kid isn't 100% bad. It's like being scared when being told stories about monsters! So light side gone bad and being replaced by Virgil?


            Okay! My time has come! Let me be an Intrusive thought really quickly!!
            -Consider either of the Following!!
            1. Roman and Remus fused together make Romulus or
            2. Each and every side have Parents, or at least a Dad, and the Creativitwins Fathers name is Romulus.
            -Roman being insecure could potentially be because he doesn't think he's good enough sometimes OR Remus or Deciet can tend to get into his head making him feel Insecure.
            Or he's just Insecure like any other normal human being..
            - Paranoia? I'm almost 100% sure Virgil used to be him. In one of the Sander Sides Episodes Logan is about to call him "Paranoid" but quickly cuts himself off saying he was "Showing an unhealthy amount of  Concern"
            -I don't understand this last one.


this message may be offensive
For anyone that enjoys Ninjago:
          I want to do a Tweet Book for them on AO3! I've asked people on other sites but nobody has responded. So if you have AO3 and want to do that, HIT ME THE FUCK UP!


@Blue_Lime Yep! If you need help I can happily help!


@PeculiarShipper  Really? I don't know how to sign up. I'll figure it out though, if I get time.


@Blue_Lime I've been writing Ninjago Fanfiction on there!


Hey, it's been forever. I wanted to check in since we haven't talked as of late and are never on at the same time.
          I'm sorry about your Dog and that I couldn't respond. I should've tried to find a way to respond and I take fault for that.
          If there's anything you need me to do, I'll gladly do it. I'm sorry again.


@PeculiarShipper  XD I miss talking like this


@Blue_Lime *hugs back* Yay! Air hugs!


@PeculiarShipper  *Hugs Chu* Feel my air hug of Love and Comfort!