
Okay, so I really have got no excuses for procrastinating updates for as long as a month or maybe more. (Don't remind me even if I forgot.) Life's been a hurricane. Imagine condensing a whole year of feelings, events, ups and downs into a month. Yes, that's how I feel getting into college, starting school and all that stuff. I haven't been on wattpad much, not to mention replying to messages or thanking my lovely followers. (So if you're a new follower, thanks for following! Shout-out right here.)
          	Here's the update you all waited patiently (or not so patiently) for:
          	My current goal will be try to finish Secrets, but that might take a while. Or it might happen overnight. Or it may not happen at all. We never know. I cannot promise anything except telling you that this has not been a easy way for me writing Secrets and writing in general, but that I will insist and push myself a little further every time.
          	Have peace.


Hey! Good to hear from you again.


@Peculiarities I'm doing okay. School is hectic, but I'm managing.


@SkyLyte Thanks! I know right. Disappeared under the radar for a while. How are you? :)


Okay, so I really have got no excuses for procrastinating updates for as long as a month or maybe more. (Don't remind me even if I forgot.) Life's been a hurricane. Imagine condensing a whole year of feelings, events, ups and downs into a month. Yes, that's how I feel getting into college, starting school and all that stuff. I haven't been on wattpad much, not to mention replying to messages or thanking my lovely followers. (So if you're a new follower, thanks for following! Shout-out right here.)
          Here's the update you all waited patiently (or not so patiently) for:

          My current goal will be try to finish Secrets, but that might take a while. Or it might happen overnight. Or it may not happen at all. We never know. I cannot promise anything except telling you that this has not been a easy way for me writing Secrets and writing in general, but that I will insist and push myself a little further every time.
          Have peace.


(: hola guapa , me podrias hacer un gran favor , que agradeceria muchisimo , podrias votar mi novela y comentes , espero que te guste , si lo haces te hare cualquier favor!! ☺♥
          Hey Beuty , Can you do to me a favor , i will aprecciate it , can you vote my novel , and will coment? , if you do that i can do a favor to u!! ☺♥   
           (: Hallo schön, könnten Sie mir einen großen Gefallen tun, die es zu schätzen wissen, können Sie meinem Roman und Ströme stimmen konnte, hoffe es gefällt euch, wenn Sie tun, Sie werden jeden Gefallen tun !! ♡
             Aksjisjsis *Rebit* ^^
          My Novel was romantic but was in spanish... if you don't understand spanish... can you vote the novel?? Eibdishd♏♏♒⏰♈♈♒♌♒♈♑⏰♌♒♏♌♓♋♋♋