
Hey y'all! Merr Chrimmas and Happy New Year! 2021 has certainly been interesting so far... I plan on getting off my lazy behind and updating Bad Obsession soon! Have written maybe half a chapter, then I had a holiday break and haven't touched it since lol. Pls be patient, and keep your eyes peeled for an update soon ;)


Hey y'all! Merr Chrimmas and Happy New Year! 2021 has certainly been interesting so far... I plan on getting off my lazy behind and updating Bad Obsession soon! Have written maybe half a chapter, then I had a holiday break and haven't touched it since lol. Pls be patient, and keep your eyes peeled for an update soon ;)


Hey guys, sorry but Bad Obsession update may be a bit late this week. I've had a really full-on week at work and soon I'll be going away for a mini holiday in a few days. I should be able to write while I'm away, but thank you for your patience! Stay tuned... ;) ;)


Hey guys, it's me, lol yes I'm still alive. Just letting you know to stay tuned with Bad Obsession... ;) thank you, everyone, for all your love lately - yes I have read your comments! Thank you guys so much x


this message may be offensive
@Peggster123456  FUCK YES


@vampirewerewolves ahaha yep the guilt was too real! 