
Faunwell, Faufau. I wish her luck on her future endeavours and goals.
          	Now to cry indefinitely, aaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAA




@ThatShyDude yeah.. A-Chan, Mel, Onyan, Ame, Chloe, and now Faufau. And back to back with Chloe and Faufau is just pain


@AzurAnime hopefully it'll only go up from now, I'm really hoping the best for cover and holo as a whole


@KAMEN_RIDER_DECADE Faufau was my second vtuber that i watched back then when Council first debuted, I'm going to miss her alot


Merry Christmas everybody! Sorry for being dead silent for a few weeks... Months... Yeah... Sorry 'bout that. Anyway. Reasons why I haven't  been updating is that I have been focusing on my studies and having a severe writer's block while in the middle of writing a chapter isn't the best of combinations. Irys special chapter 2 is in the works, currently on 1,9k-ish words I think.
          I've been thinking of maybe making another story after I'm done with Council's Dilemma or when I want to write something new. I will finish Council's Dilemma, that's a promise. Now I'm wondering who I should write about? Jp is acceptable, but I'm sticking to ID or EN for now because I haven't really been watching much of JP.
          Thank you to those who read the book, really amazed how it has around 7k reads by the time of this message. I will try and keep a steady rhythm while writing the chapters and hope to find a clear schedule where I can balance out my writings, taking care of stuff irl, and school stuff. That's all, have a nice day folks.


@PengOwl I am very late when it comes to giving my take on this (very in character for me-)
            But I have a few things to say you should take with a grain of salt and pepper !
            After experiencing so many hiatus and breaks myself, honestly the main thing you should remember is that this is a hobby !
            You want people to see your story yes and you don't want too few people to do that of course-
            But if you rush and force yourself it'll end up with another even longer hiatus potentially and a half-assed chapter-
            Basically, what I'm trying to say is, take a break for as long as you like, do things you love and that make you happy, don't think about writing and hey, you can still write down skits/jokes etc that you wanna use !
            So when you come back, you can use those-
            This is all for fun after all and no one will rush you, but if people do, don't take it to heart and do what you wanna do !
            Good luck recovering friend and I wish you the best on your writing journey o7


@PengOwl  probably try reading the previous chapters, maybe explore the holocouncil's lore further if you haven't done those things, if you have, well you should probably take a break and clear your mind a little to allow new and fresh ideas. 


On a side note, anyway knows how to get rid of this writer's block? It's getting annoying when I try to write something and I only get 100-200 words in before running out of creativity and ideas


The Viv:ID Cruise concert was really something, sadly didn't get a Vivid Cruise t-shirt but I did get a Hololive Vol.2 card pack. Hopefully getting the ones that I want. Also Best Girl Yagoo was there, 10/10.
          (Next chapter is in progress, just had a few writer's blocks for the last few weeks.. months... Yep. Sorry if the hiatus was too long, I've decided to not remake the story, but also remake it in a sense? Putting some logic into it. See ya later!)


So, i feel like Part 5 is a bit rushed. Especially at the end, so i was wondering if it's good enough or would y'all like me to rewrite it?
          And another news, welp. School's back for me so chapters may come out longer than before. Oh and i feel like a Harem type of story isn't for me, mostly because it'll be stressful to think about each of the girls. So I'll be changing up some stuff. And like i said, i am new to writing stories so don't expect much! (Maybe when i learn more about writing and more fancy words, I'll rewrite my stories. Who knows, only time will tell)
          Alright that's all, see ya later


Yup, but i won't reveal who


So will it be a specific member of the council? 
            If so I vote kronii 