
Hey guys!sorry i'm taking so long to write another chapter i have a serious case of writers block!!!!help me i need ideas for wingless angel!!!


hey guys this is pengiunmystery writing from a new account because someone stole my laptop but im going to rewrite my books from the old account to the new one yes its been years i know im 19 now but i still suck at writing but still im going to try anyways im not dead yay 


Hey guys! Okay, so here's an update. First of all I'm not dead, so that's good news! Second, I'm collaborating  with my aunt, who also has an account on Wattpad, on a book. Let's face it, even though my ideas for books are actually pretty great, my writing skills are horrible.  I can't keep my story line straight, and I'm all over the place. It can confuse even me at times. The book will be posted on her Wattpad, since she is the one writing it. We will both get the credit for it though. She's the one writing it, I'm the one who came up with the initial ideal for it, and we're both throwing thoughts for it back and forth. I think that by the time we're done, it's going to be a pretty amazing novel. Her username is FallenWhiskey, so head over to her profile, give her a follow, and check out her works on here as well. She's actually a great writer, with an amazing talent. We're still debating names for the book, but for now it will be "Only To Be Found." I really hope y'all will enjoy it! I also want to say that I am SOOOO sorry that I haven't updated on "Wingless Angel", but I will start working on it, and updating again. I want to give a HUGE thanks to my followers, and readers, who have stuck with me though! Y'all just don't know how much it means to me! That's it for now, but thanks again! I hope y'all have a great experience reading the works of other amazing writers here on Wattpad! Have a GREAT day!!!!!!!