I wish everyone had a heart monitor that could read when your last few beats would happen. That way, no matter how you die, people have five minute to just say goodbye.
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I wish everyone had a heart monitor that could read when your last few beats would happen. That way, no matter how you die, people have five minute to just say goodbye.
I wish everyone had a heart monitor that could read when your last few beats would happen. That way, no matter how you die, people have five minute to just say goodbye.
So I'm meeting my future step-brothers this weekend. Any advice? I don't have a brother or a step-sibling, just a half-sister. I need help please.
So I had a moment today. Call it stupid or silly or whatever you want, but it's serious. For me. I went to a graduation party today. A guy was flirting with me which doesn't really happen. I don't know if it was the guy or the graduation or if I just thought about it, but I realized something. I'M GROWING UP!!!! Is this good or bad? Four years and I'll graduate. My best friend graduates in 2018 and I do in 2020. A boy was being so awkward around me and not-so-casually mentioned his singleness. I don't have a current crush. I'm not sure if I've ever even crushed hard on someone, it's always been like "OMGOSH THAT IS A SMEXY SPECIMEN!!!!" What is this? Growing up is a huge deal. I'm almost a woman. I'm gonna have a job and a car and go to college and have a house and start a business. I'm gonna have a boyfriend and a fiance and a husband and foster kids and kids. Holy crap I'm gonna give birth! I'm gonna BE pregnant! Oh... I'm gonna GET pregnant.... That turned awkward... lol The point is, have u ever felt like this? Have you ever realized that we're not kids anymore? That we can talk and do things by ourselves and be our own person.
@Penny-Caper This is all last from last year....the moment you accidentally like a picture of his from three years ago...
@Penny-Caper Wait. You're going to have a boyfriend, fiance and husband?? Lol goals. But yes. I feel like this all the time. Since the middle of freshman year.
Thank you for the votes!
@ColumnatedRuins No problem! I love your book so far! I like the books about the end, the ones that make you think, and your book is a perfect definition of that. I was surprised it wasn't published
I'm sorry for not updating the past few weeks. Slight writer's block. It's like I know where I want my books to go, but can't put them into correct wording. So, now that I've apologized, can I rant a bit? I swear, I need a rant book for how often I get frustrated! Lol But, seriously! Well, my cousin has all the HP books and me, being myculturally-deprived self, have never read the things. (Don't jump me yet, I've seen the movies). Anyway, he said I could borrow them, but since my mom borrowed the books for like three years, he didn't quite trust me enough to give them back. He said he would give me book one, then when I was done, I would return it and receive book two. So,Friday morning (technically Thursday night, but Mom forgot to give it to me until 10:00PM and said I should be sleeping anyway) I got Sorcerer's Stone (It is bothering me so much I can't italicize or underline the fricking book title right now!) and I was like “This is amazing!" Saturday afternoon, I'm done. So I started reading the second book which I already owned. Done on Monday. This entire time, the first book was in the bank's courier service going from my mom's branch to my cousin's. He's had it back since that night. Then he said he would send book three... I STILL DON'T HAVE IT!!!! He finally said he'd send all the books to me on Thursday. He forgot them! So he sent them this morning... Like five/six days later! And since the bank branches have different courier services and they don't work on Sundays, I won't get it until Monday! In the mean time, I read The Maze Runner which was pretty cool. I borrowed The Scorch Trials on the awesome free app called Overdrive (I almost hyperventilated when I heard of this app cuz it's awesome). The really depressing part though is: The Death Cure, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, and The 100 are all being borrowed and Divergent is too long for me to read over the weekend. What will I do not with my life?!
Also, why is it the U.S, Liberia, and that other country doesn't go Celsius? Is it Portugal? Idk... Anyway, not only does everyone else use it, but it's easier to remember. Like, 0, 37, and 100 instead of 32, 98.6, and 212. We have decimals! Why can't America be normal!? Well... America and normal are oxymorons...
Don't know where y'all live, but here it's almost 70°F (21°C?). What! Is America Australia now where Christmas is the hottest day in the year?! It's February! My sister isn't playing in the snow... She's playing in the blow-up mini bouncy castle we got for Christmas! So yeah... that's that... The moment when a two year old comes in wearing absolutely nothing... Mother flapping turtles, put some clothes on gur! Oh the joys of having a potty trained child... She so weird! Lol! Well... Bye! And thanks for so much support on my new book!
Guess what! I found out what that kid has! It's actually kinda depressing, but I'm excited that I know what's up now. Ethan has severe autism, yet at the same time, he's highly functional. So basically, he has his own little world. His brain works in way in which sometimes he's a great scholar, and in others he blocks off everything. By next Wednesday, his teachers will know what he has and how to deal, but with him signing up so late, it was difficult to tell them exactly what was going on. Now my only problem is that he's signed up in the hardest classes! I'm already nervous about failing computer because she uses big, complicated computer words that I don't know! Like what the pandas are ribbons (on a PC)?
@LanternHideOut @didakam I discovered that it's the stuff on the top in a word document. Like Insert, Design, Page Layout, Home, File, and all that crap
@LaternHideOut see you just needed to understand and i wish i can help you with that qns but i'm no genius lol so just the best of luck in your computer everything
Nvm... It shows. Wattpad is being frikin' annoying, stupid, and confusing. So, now I'm gonna talk about my day because we're in the car and my sister won't let me talk to my mom because she was trying to sleep. So, I'm a homeschooled geek, I think we've established that. Anyway, once a week, on Wednesdays, I go to the coop and I take classes. This semester, and today was the first day of the semester, I have Teen Bible, Microsoft/Minecraft programming (don't get me started on the 8 boys in my class that don't know what Word is), and there's Anatomy/Physiology. So Ethan is in Computer and Anatomy/Physiology with me. So two classes, right. We didn't use our PCs today in Computer, but Ethan was messing around with his. I'm like 'what the heck is he doing?' The kid who's sitting next to him (A.K.A. Aspergers and like ten other mental issues I can't name kid) is even looking at him like 'what the crap?'. Then we go to Anatomy/Physiology. A) his mom comes in and brings him a banana between classes and B) this tall, twelve year old unpeels the entire banana and eats it (no napkin). Also, don't say it's because of his age because he's older than me by a few months and that's just rude (don't ask. I'm overly mature, a grade ahead, and illegally on here. Please don't report me.) During the class, the teacher makes us take a test to see how much we know. So during the quiz, the guy screams a lot of 'no's and then starts singing some weird song. I think it was the 'Mighty Med' theme rap song thing or something. Idk... So, tell me. Does this guy have Terets? (Or however that's spelled.) I don't mean to be rude or anything so I'm sorry if I offended you, but knowing what's wrong with people helps me know how to handle it. I don't want to say something that's going to make a preteen boy who probably has enough insecurities and is going through puberty to cry. HELP!
Just so everyone knows, Bloodwolf has been edited. They are small changes, like a few words, but it can change the storyline just a bit. So, while I was changing things, they weren't actually showing up. To fix this, I had to unpublish and republish, meaning ALL my votes/reads/comments DISAPPEARED!!!!! But I still have to do it. Idk exactly what's going on, but I'm gonna go with it. So, reread my chapters, because I've changed something in like every chapter except the new ones, which I just wrote so of course they're fine. Anyway, PLEASE revote, recomment, and reread. And that's about it. And I'm also very upset that I can't italicize my words on here. I mean, italicization (that should so be a word. It's a word now 'cause I said so.) is my life so I had to use capitalization (see, that's a word but italicization isn't. Why the English language sucks.). I'm pretty sure I just said that words that resemble fonts but don't exist are my life, but now my life is a bogus word that means large letters. That's a sad life right there. I know you guys don't read these, but I thought 'Why not waste more internet, right?' Anyways.... BYYYYYYEEEE!!!!!!!!
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