
hi guys!! sorry I haven't updated in forever!! I've been working on some entries for harry potter fest's on my page which should be up soon! school also gets out soon so I can work on summer love a bit more :)


Oh my god, I think you should make yourself some kind of record being able to read HP at the young age of 6! I read it at 10 or 12...shame, haha!


@PenofaPhoenix Oh my god, I both both Chinese and French too! I'm crap at one of them and fluent in the other... You'd have to guess. I'm secretive. (No, seriously, I don't really like to post my personal location online; it always feel kind of dangerous for me...sorry!) I have a fascination with languages LOL
            My grades fluctuate like the roller coaster! I can't even start to tell you how my maths went from last three to top three...and falling back to average again. I got straight As all the time when I was in primary LOL


@Peculiarities Oh that's awesome! I know Chinese and French but I'm not fluent enough to read it while fully comprehending. :P What's your first language? ^^ I wish I was more fluent in Chinese and French! 
            People who love reading = instant connection hahaha. Once I was reading in class and my teacher got all sassy saying I couldn't read unless I was getting 100% on the tests. I got a 95%. The class average was a B/C. xP Also the only class I got an A- one quarter that year, and it was like a 92.45 T_T
            But straight-As are a thing of the past hahahaha XP


Well, I did. Anyway, I think I read HP in my own language first before moving on to read the series again in English...but admittedly, English is much better LOL I don't know about your sis, but I love reading!
            I do that! I super do that. Have get caught many times before.


Feelings of inadequacy because my friend, who's an aspiring author, just finished a manuscript for her second book (90k words). After self-publishing her first book, she's now going to begin querying for her second, and here I am floundering around on wattpad. Oddly enough, her only form of book broadcasting is through her blog, and she doesn't really publish stuff on these sorts of sites... OHWELL. Idk. Still, I really want to be able to write a novel-length story I'm happy with. Working on it!


Not that anyone ever looks at my profile, but I've started writing some original stuff and I actually want to finish writing the novel thing before posting it. I think the writing quality is a huge improvement over Summer Love - which looking back at it, is really pretty rudimentary in terms of writing quality. And the sad part is that I was writing that only last summer.... T^T 
          But yes! Original stories! :D Currently working on one that's a lot more personal, but I might try to do a more rom/com or historical one! :P


Sorry to sound bitchy but please do your research before writing on a sensitive topic. =_= Like don't call purging "puking" in reference to an ED, or make recovery seem SO simple, because honestly, it's not. 
          And for the love of all things good and holy, do NOT, under any circumstances, romanticise serious topics. Suicide is not romantic. Self-harm isn't cool. Eating disorders aren't fashionable. So please don't make it seem like they are.


@aramella hi~ <3 sorry for replying late D;
          but I'm really enjoying Small Bumps! It's great :) I *love* your portrayal of Leah and Harry's relationship ^^ He's not a notorious playboy/dick/etc. l o l Niall is kind of frustrating ohwhale
          That's totally fine! I get it haha. RL sometimes sucks. xD If you want help with editing I'm totally up for it! ;D (just an offer ^^)
          hehe~ nice to know I make people smile ;3;