@postylove74 that would drive me insane! I hope it gets sorted out soon for you. I love that you won't let that get the better of you and are still writing ❤️
@SherriAlice yup I will release it soon. It had been sitting in my drafts for so long and when I started reading over it after I published the first chapter I didn't like the story line anymore so I am just making a few tweaks and then I will put it out there.
@Pepepolly yes! I got the unbeaten story open. I didn't get an email notification but under the "bell" in wattpad app it was there. Now try your other story.
@SherriAlice I have uploaded a new story. Did you get a notification and does the chapter open for you? It shows nothing has uploaded for me. The app is driving me insane right now lol
Your writing is bloody awesome and you have me dying of laughter, then other times emotional, angry and getting mini heart attacks from feeling my heartbreak along with your characters. Thank you so much for writing so much amazing stories!
@PsychoCxmBunny Thank you so much for this comment. I always feel so honored when readers connect with the characters and the stories. I love writing and it's comments like yours that motivate me to continue.