
Hi everybody, it's been a while hasn't it? Sorry to disappear on you and thank you so much for all your amazing messages. While I could not reply to them all, I did read them and truly thank you for it.  It baffles me how so many of you still remember me! I started writing on Wattpad when I was very young and while my passion for writing hasn't really gone away my style has inevitably changed as well as the times we live in. 
          	With Just Ask Juliet, it's especially tough because while I have the story planned with these wonderful characters it's not easy to convey all that I want to in the same style with which I once wrote. TGND was written entirely in first person perspective and to keep true to the theme JAJ was also written in similar lines. But TGND was really Clara's story and how falling in love changed her while JAJ is not only Rebecca and Will's story but how their love changed the people around them. That's not something that's easy to convey in first person. 
          	So what does this mean?
          	It means I'm going to start from scratch. I won't delete JAJ (the original will be up) but it will be rewritten slowly but surely. A lot of it will be the same, a lot of it will be different.
          	I'll also start writing other novels in the mean time, exploring new genres and a more diverse worlds! I hope you'll join me in those journeys as well. 
          	Again thank you so much for your continued support and it's good to be back :)


I don’t care that’s it’s been over 2 years since you said you’re back.I’m just happy that you are.Take however long you want to write JAJ we will be waiting 


@Percabeth5599 heyyyyyy.......i have been waiting for you to continue for a whole plzzzzzzzzzzz


@Percabeth5599 there r still readers waiting for uu


Hi everyone hi author I hope everyone is good here
          Author I love your book  
          So Yh am writing my first Wattpad story please check it out 
          And I also need advice or tips on how to grow on this app and have more reads and vote and if you can help me to promote this my first ever book to your other friends writer or your reads I will be grateful thank 
          It is called My little wife and this is the link 

          Age gap
           a child brain in an adult body 
          You guys will like the story please tell a friend to tell a friend 
          Thank you stay safe n hydrated 


Has anybody here tried to contact,  email or a message her and gotten a reply back ? If yes pls reply I myself have emailed her twice but haven't gotten any reply back. My idea is that if you are fan of her work we should do this thing where we all should email her and message her asking if she is okay. If you doing in majority maybe she we will get a reply back who knows.