
To all new writers and readers.
          	Hey guys! So, I found this amazing community @SunflowerCommunity.
          	  It's a community dedicated to helping it's member become the best writers they can be. They have done different successful individual projects to help their members.
          	  They are looking for anyone who is interested in becoming the administrator of this community. Also, someone who wants to become an overall admin of their writing circle. If interested, please dm me or this group directly.
          	  You can join the Sunflower Book Club, in which members and their books are randomly assigned with weekly pairing to read two chapters a week. New assignments are posted every Sunday. All books and people are welcome.
          	  Also join Sunflower Writing Circle, where your books can get promoted and can get randomly assigned to new readers with weekly pairing. New assignments are posted on Monday.
          	  You can also join Sunflower Book Exchange, in which it's your free will which books and how many chapters you want to read.
          	  If you want your books to get promoted. Join this community.
          	  You are at the right place :))
          	                                                   ~ Admin


@Percy_Weasley_a_nerd  I am glad that you're back also thanks for being a wonderful writer :)


```Hogwarts Rebel``` 
          Si te llegó este mensaje estas siendo invitado a unirte a Hogwarts Rebel, un colegio con temática de Harry Potter en el que: 
           Conoceras gente fabulosa de todas partes!
           Competiras por ganar la copa de las casas.
           Podrás participar en bailes y jodas.
           Jugarás minis, participaras en clases y mucho más.
          ‍♂️ Podrás ser prefecto o jefe de tu casa.
           Serás capaz de trabajar y dejar el sótano de tus padres! 
          Tenemos una filosofía al estilo MANDALAY 
          *Tú decides, ¿Quieres ser un Rebelde?* 
          Si entras di que vienes de parte de feña


@skyblueblue_321 Don't know this language. Really sorry


 ▕⃝⃤  ¿Te Gusta Harry Potter y todo lo relacionado al mundo mágico?  ▕⃝⃤ 
          Este grupo es ideal para ti, te invitamos a unirte al Mundo Mágico ‍♀️‍♂️, un grupo dedicado a realizar juegos, hablar sobre las películas, conocer gente a la que le apasiona el mundo mágico tanto como a ti.
          Ven a disfrutar de una mágica competencia por la Copa de las casas. Te vas a divertir 
          Conocerás gente de todas las partes del mundo 


@XiomaraGH8 i don't understand this language. I am sorry


Hi dad hope you have a wonderful day or night :) love you


@Percy_Weasley_a_nerd im doing really good now thanks for asking


To all new writers and readers.
          Hey guys! So, I found this amazing community @SunflowerCommunity.
            It's a community dedicated to helping it's member become the best writers they can be. They have done different successful individual projects to help their members.
            They are looking for anyone who is interested in becoming the administrator of this community. Also, someone who wants to become an overall admin of their writing circle. If interested, please dm me or this group directly.
            You can join the Sunflower Book Club, in which members and their books are randomly assigned with weekly pairing to read two chapters a week. New assignments are posted every Sunday. All books and people are welcome.
            Also join Sunflower Writing Circle, where your books can get promoted and can get randomly assigned to new readers with weekly pairing. New assignments are posted on Monday.
            You can also join Sunflower Book Exchange, in which it's your free will which books and how many chapters you want to read.
            If you want your books to get promoted. Join this community.
            You are at the right place :))
                                                             ~ Admin


@Percy_Weasley_a_nerd  I am glad that you're back also thanks for being a wonderful writer :)


Salaam. I was wondering what your opinion is about the LGBTQ community. If you would like to help this oppressed minority in Pakistan to help make it a better country, please help us by following this account and spreading awareness. It would be much appreciated.


@LGBTQpakistan I am from Pakistan too. And of course i will help you, i will bring some friends along who are Pakistani too. I love the main idea of your community :)