
Hey all,
          	So a few months ago I became a writer for a audio drama company. I have episode 1 of a romcom called “The Bartender” ready to be listened to.  Any support would be greatly appreciated.


Just a warning, it does require a subscription, but that's just the devil in the detail of life ._.


I'll check it out!


Hey all,
          So a few months ago I became a writer for a audio drama company. I have episode 1 of a romcom called “The Bartender” ready to be listened to.  Any support would be greatly appreciated.


Just a warning, it does require a subscription, but that's just the devil in the detail of life ._.


I'll check it out!


Do u still write?


@Anu07_r  Yes, it's just been a stagnation period for me where I've been dragging my feet.


Both Ash and Misty divorce their second spouse, and are about their 30s, somehow they run into each other, the feelings are neutral, but a bit tense due to the harsh circumstances that went down on account of Misty’s anger towards him, and Ash’s neglect.  Ash walks out of his latest divorce with both of his kids (I’m debating on whether even giving Ash and Serena child, not sure atm), whereas Misty has only Jordan.
          From there I can’t say what’s going to happen :).  Welp, looks another idea to go on the back burner.


Years later and both Ash and Misty are feeling pain of their decisions, but not necessarily on account of each other; they haven’t been in contact for years since the calling off of their engagement, Misty married Gary (ugh) without inviting Ash to the wedding, but did invite his Mother.  Ash married Lana, and didn’t invite Misty to the wedding.  Now here’s where the details may change, Lana and Ash, Gary and Misty, both conceive children together, now I can’t quite decide on how I want this to go but my initial thought was this: Ash and Lana start having fights, they divorce, Lana a month later ends up in a severe boating accident, and doesn’t make, her dying wish was for Ash to take care of their only daughter (she has slight traces of Ash’s spikiness, but is for the most part looking like Lana, except she has more natural blue eyes as opposed to Lana’s slightly freaky blank expression).
          After news of Lana’s passing, their daughter - I’m thinking of calling her Lisa - ends up with Ash.  Ash moves from Alola and somehow ends up in Kalos where he becomes reacquainted with Serena, they marry but that too isn’t going too well (I plan to hop right into the Ash/Serena problem, and Ash says through dialogue what he’s been through following his and Misty’s break up) and are fighting, much to the chagrin of their own son.
          Subsequently Misty too is on her second husband, Rudy, and that isn’t going well either.  Gary and her didn’t work out and Misty had custody of their son - whom I’m thinking of naming as Jordan.  But under Rudy, she and him did conceive, but their daughter was unfortunately loss in an accident, and Rudy hasn’t been the same since.


:'(......anyway u got more good ideas which I look forward to


@Anu07_r yeah - er - don’t think about it too much. That idea is never seeing the light of day.


@Percyfan1998 wow this is too dramatic but interesting 


I just have this overstocked load of FanFiction ideas for Pokemon related pics, but once again my brain went into overdrive and somehow concocted yet another idea for Ash and Misty.  This one’s a bit more…bleak, in a way.  Earlier today (5/14/18) - or rather yesterday since it’s past midnight as I’m writing this - I read single handedly a pic more depressing than the one that sparked my dislike for Orange, and it was just tragic, I felt (and still feel!) upset, hurt, and I felt in Ash’s shoes the rejection (okay, seriously, level with me here.  How come most of the time it’s Ash getting the worst end of the stick?  He gets rejected because Misty found a new love, whereas more rarely Ash finds a new love, and it’s Misty who ends up hurt, but when I do see those when Misty rejects Ash, it usually goes in the direction of another ship for her whereas Ash just ends up with a hurt heart, that’s twisted…y’ll Pokeshippers can be cruel lemme tell you) and I was just overall traumatized.
          So now I’ve ended up imagining an idea where it’s not too the extreme’s of the mentioned fic, but I thought of this ‘what if’:  Like the original Ash proposed to Misty, but then before the wedding things just go array and Ash is out of the picture for a while, either that or Misty began to develop feelings for someone else, Ash gets thoroughly rejected by Misty and she throws his ring to the ground.


Yo, fellow Pokeshipper’s!  Can any of direct me to some Pokeshipping fics that have proper grammar and writing?  Stories that DON’T look scripts, or have dialogue from two different characters on the same line?  It’d be appreciated.