Hello everyone! I'm happy to write for all of you! I love writing fanfics, fantasy, adventure, sci-fi, dystopian and many more!

My favorite Fandoms are Sky: Children of the Light, Among Us, Undertale, XCOM 2 and many others!

I hope you enjoy my Sky story!

Any comments or constructive criticism are greatly appreciated!
  • انضمSeptember 24, 2019


الرسالة الأخيرة
PerfectCeil97 PerfectCeil97 May 31, 2021 07:40PM
Hey guys! Finally the last part of The Light We Share is finally out! Sorry to keep you all waiting . But I’m back. I want to write more with Nightowl, but I’m not sure what to write about. Maybe her...
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قصة بقلم PerfectCeil97
The Light We Share بقلم PerfectCeil97
The Light We Share
For Nightowl, she expected a normal week of candle-collecting and season-exploring. What she didn't expect wa...
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