
What’s up y’all?
          	I am: back! I am aware that I have been inactive for roughly two years. In those two years, my life changed drastically. So drastically, that I lost the motivation to write anything. My social environment and my overall environment changed to an extreme extent. Not to mention that my junior year of college absolutely DEMOLISHED me! But that’s beside the point. In regards to the Out of My League Series, I do intend to revise it because I look back at it and I cringe severely. For Present Is Gone, I am still working on how the next part of that story is gonna go. I have the ending in mind, but the details are evading my mind at the moment. On the other hand, I am in the works to produce a new story! I know, I know — I keep introducing story after story without finishing my previous one. It’s a habit, and I am sorry! Truth be told, I heard songs I listened to when I first started reading Wattpad so that’s where my motivation is stemming from. Now, it’s 4 in the morning, and despite neglecting this duty for the past few years, I’m staying home with online school now enforced and staying quarantined for the next few months so let’s get these stories going again. 
          	Thank you!
          	Love you, Lovelies!


What’s up y’all?
          I am: back! I am aware that I have been inactive for roughly two years. In those two years, my life changed drastically. So drastically, that I lost the motivation to write anything. My social environment and my overall environment changed to an extreme extent. Not to mention that my junior year of college absolutely DEMOLISHED me! But that’s beside the point. In regards to the Out of My League Series, I do intend to revise it because I look back at it and I cringe severely. For Present Is Gone, I am still working on how the next part of that story is gonna go. I have the ending in mind, but the details are evading my mind at the moment. On the other hand, I am in the works to produce a new story! I know, I know — I keep introducing story after story without finishing my previous one. It’s a habit, and I am sorry! Truth be told, I heard songs I listened to when I first started reading Wattpad so that’s where my motivation is stemming from. Now, it’s 4 in the morning, and despite neglecting this duty for the past few years, I’m staying home with online school now enforced and staying quarantined for the next few months so let’s get these stories going again. 
          Thank you!
          Love you, Lovelies!


I have been trying and tbh, college is piling on me. I can only have so much inspiration but I will try. I feel like for all this time I haven’t posted, I was going through this existential crisis and you see, I wanted to reinvent myself but I am going to go back through and write as fast and as best as I can xx


You're stories are so perfect and heart touching it's like you've got everything planned out in ur mind and it just flows in perfect synchronisation and harmony so perfect and I am talking about my absolute favourite book out of my league I haven't read the others but I will try to read the others 


Awww, thank you! Bless your heart! I'm really happy you enjoyed "Out of My League"! A matter of fact, I just posted another chapter on its sequel! And I'm really glad that you think that they're hart touching because that's exactly what I have been aiming for. Thank you so much for your feedback! I really appreciate it! :)


Hello. It's meee. I was wondering if after all these years you'd like to meet. Sorry I had to. But anyway....
          Dora from the kids show has been changed. She is now really skinny and like a model. People think us normal girls are fat and ugly. Please share this news so others know how horrid this really is.


Hey Lovelies!
          So I tend to write a lot of poetry and I was wondering if any of you would like to read it. I would like some feedback because it tends to help me go back to a happy place whenever I write poetry. 
          Would any of you like to read it?
          Make it a Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening, and a Good Night!


Hey Lovelies!
          So I started writing more again ever since school and Junior year started to pile work and the phrase, "Time to start planning for college!" On me. I'm sorry for my lack of updates. I apologize. I'll update as soon as possible but I also barely got the symptoms of being sick like four hours ago and I feel like crap and I want to cuddle in my bed because nothing on my phone is all that exciting except for watching "New Girl" on Netflix and watching videos on Youtube. School has also been a pain to me and I'm pretty tired as well. I really want to sleep but my throat and nose is bothering me. This is not fun at all. I want some chicken broth right about now. That always seems to make me feel better.
          And also, my birthday passed and it was on Monday and my sister has no idea what to get me because I didn't tell her what I want but I'm really wanting some RPG video games for xBox 360. Anybody know some good video games? I tend to lean towards the video games that let me do whatever I want like Skyrim or Dragon Age.
          Anyways, I'm sorry for my lack of updates.
          Good Morning, Good Afternoon, and Good Night, Lovelies!