
I just wrote straight smut… and posted it… it’s too late for me </3


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This is quite possibly one of the most embarrassing websites not to have a pseudonym and it's one of the few I don't. oh-to the-well.
          not like it matters anymore cuz I barely use it lol
          if I ever become a famous author, you know where I came from
          btw if you want my user on a platform I'm actually active on then I'll share that so you have more of my shit writing and whatnot.


Woah, I really changed my username again? That’s so shocking!! /s
          On most social platforms I enjoy changing my profile a lot, but for some reason here I just can’t stand it. I often feel bad after making a change to my user or pfp. It’s whatever though, as long as people can recognize my shitty/embarrassing writing lmao.


Hey, I know I’ve been absent for months, but I have a PSA.
          As some may know, I came out to my father as trans a while ago. He accepts me and is very considerate of my feelings. Today, I got hurt pretty badly and he sat in front of me as I was healing and cared for me. Saliva and other bodily fluids spewed from my face, not to be too vulgar, though he just stood there and showed me the love I didn’t want to admit I needed. Later, he came upstairs to my room and taught me some self defense moves to keep such a thing from happening again. I decided I should tell him bisexual. Now’s as good a time as any other, yeah? He supports me entirely. He told me he doesn’t care, as long as I’m happy. Not that I expected him to suddenly tell me I’m not his son or that I should get out, but that still resonated with me.
          The smallest bit of acceptance can make a big difference. I’m going through some things at the moment, but I know that he’s here for me. He’s the man to trust. A supportive parent goes a long way. I hope everyone reading, or not reading, has a wonderful day or night. I love you all and your health and feelings are significant. Stay safe, everyone.


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@wolfgirlshipper28 my dad has taught me that stuff for ages, honestly. At least since I was 8 or 10, maybe even earlier. It might be useful soon because in the neighborhood surrounding my mom’s house, there are two young boys who pick on my trans friend and I occasionally. My brother reasoned with them, so I don’t know if they’ll do it again. If they do, blood choke time. Though I’d prefer to beat the shit out of them, a blood choke is much more quick, so I can carry on with my day.


@PerhapsFaris he sounds like my stepdad except even before I knew I was bi he taught me self defense! And once I told him he accepted me and said that he’s fine with whatever makes me happy my name said the same (still a bit in denial tho) but if my real dad ever knew if I ever lived with him he’d prob be disappointed in me and prob do stuff idk