So I said I would update my stories sooner, but school has my booked. Literally, haha. So I will try my hardest to update them as soon as possible! Keep reading!
So I said I would update my stories sooner, but school has my booked. Literally, haha. So I will try my hardest to update them as soon as possible! Keep reading!
Hey! It's Christina xP Sorry I haven't been on in SUCH a long time. I have been busy with schoolwork and sports. I do plan on adding a chapter to every one of my current stories to see if anyone is still willing to read them & if I get any positive feedback I will continue creating these chapters. I love you all and I'm sooo sorry I've been away for so long. (:
★ Give this heart (❤) to everyone you don't wanna lose in 2014! Be honest & send this to anyone who made you smile this year! ★ I smile every time you update! Thank you so much Christina! Happy New Years! PS, updaaaaate! c;
@Future_Mrs_Payne123 mkay! Okay okay okay I'm getting to work legitamintely after I finish this YouTube video (: spam me on kik in 20 minutes if I haven't messaged you that I've started yet (I'll send a pic of my first sentence for proof)