Hello, friend. (:
Just figured I'd stop by and for one thank you for the countless comments you leave on my stories. Seriously, the fact that you take the time to not only READ my stories, but also tell me what you think of them makes you an amazing person. Honestly.
Oh, and just when I thought you couldn't get any more amazing, I read on your 'About Me' that you grouped me with XxSkater2Girl16xX as your favorite authors. I can't begin to describe what a huge honor that is for me, because A) she's the reason I'm on Wattpad in the first place, and B) she's like my second favorite author on here. Not only do I look up to her, but she inspired me to write back when I was on Quizilla. So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. Really. It means SO much. (:
-Me xx